Roll No:- 03.
Enrolment No:- PG15101004
Year:- 2015 -2017.
Paper No:- ELT:-1 ( English Language Teaching.)
Topic:- Second Language Teacher Education. (SLTE).
Submitted to:- Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

language also known as L2. A language that is not the native language of the
speaker, but that is used in the locale of the person.
Second language teacher education
describes the field of professional activity through which one personally learn
to teach L2 language. If we look deep into second language teacher education
then we realize that it needs major
change in it. Why is it happens? it is
just because we have so many training of
these type of education. But the question is does it really works? NO. So, why
is it happens? Teacher of the second language are habituate to speak their
native language. So when they deal with the class they can’t deal with his
class in l2. Let’s discuss the domains of SLTE. That means the needs of second
language teacher education. In which we find that these type of skills make
them a better teacher into L2 language. Or we can say that they are the best
quality teacher for our future generation.
Theories of Teaching.
remembered when I was in B.ed we have to be innovative in our teaching method.
Because the traditional teaching can’t work as time passes. So our teacher
always say that bring something new in your teaching that can help you to make
your class live. We have to use different theories, approaches in the class. As
the teacher of second language we have to communicate with students in l2
language. That helps them to command over second language. We have to
understand the nature of classroom practices. That helps us in real classroom
teaching. There are many types of theories for teaching like, communicative,
social psychological, audio lingualism, cognitive approach.
2) Teaching skills.
skills includes the performance of different type teaching acts. It involves many things like, clear
description, managing classroom, presenting clear explanation, task,
assignment, and the most important thing is interaction with students. As a
teacher of second language we have to be innovative to select learning activities,
asking questions, providing opportunities for practice new lesson, judgment of
proper balance between fluency and accuracy, reviewing and re-teaching when
3) Communication skill.
skill is the most effective aspect of the second language teacher education. We can say it is the
essence of the learning and teaching process. In the general skill of
communication includes language proficiency. Clarity of voice, pronunciation,
and diction is also important for communication skill that will help to
understand the students and also improve their communication skill.
4) Subject matter knowledge.
Teacher of second language has good
command over his subject matter. They have clear idea about their
concept, theories and subject matter. And for that they have to concentrate on
curriculum and syllabus design. It helps them to organize his lesson planning.
And after that they have to check that what method or approach they prefer for
the students it works or not by doing analysis of method or evaluation.
5) Contextual factors.
course the teacher of second language is the part of our society and that’s why
surroundings may affect him. Community and institutional factors in language
teaching also affects his teaching practice. In one of the article of Posner, G
Field Experience: A guide to reflective practice. He says that “the rules,
facilities values, expectations and personal backgrounds which influence on learning
and teaching.”
6) Task Based language teaching.
Theory of
teaching is coming out from learning research. The basic concept of task based
language teaching is derived from second language acquisition. Specially
descriptive and experimental studies. The learner receives the necessary input
to learning. The language teaching and task can be used for both language forms
and communication. It also depends on material designer that how task can
facilitate acquisition of target language.
aspects are connected with teaching method. But now we shift from theories to
learning training. That how cognitive style or learning strategies adopted by
learners. People of average language learning studied to determine what it is
they do that makes their efforts more successful. Effective teacher can develop
their theories that can help the students to understand the second language.
Let’s discuss that how teacher and their beliefs and decision making help them
for teaching. As we know that teaching depends on teacher’s ability of
thinking. Teachers are the active participant of their activity for the
development of their practice. As specialist of any field use their advice for
any decision making like that teacher of second language uses their practice of
teaching in the classroom that helps them to understand their self evaluation.
One of the
most important aspects for teachers that make them class interactive. It
depends on students understanding and their involvement in the class. It also
depends on teacher side that if the given instruction are proper and should be
understood by the students then the needs of students will be satisfy. So for
that content of the subject matter and curriculum of integration is also
necessary. We knows it very well that there is a vast gap between teacher
education and teacher learning. When I was in B.ED course. I feel that gap there are many reasons for
this gap between teacher education and training. Because some of the teacher
has to do research on paradigms and methods that have been valued and used in
producing our current knowledge. Or in
the teacher education these paradigms asks some questions about how teaching
defined and studied in education and how teacher of second language links to
the study of teaching.
The bridge
to practice has come in observing teachers and their practice in real classroom
teaching. And it improves as the time passes because it takes time to command
over a good efficiency over second language. So year by year there is drastic
change in teaching practice. Basically it depends on how teacher transfer the
knowledge and skills from the teacher education to the classroom teaching in
order to improve their teaching practice. Further it does not account that how they learn more through as a trainee or as a
professional teacher. Since 1980s teacher education has shifted from knowledge
transmission to knowledge construction. In which trainee build their
understanding of language teaching through their experience of teaching.
Ø The need for accountability.
language teacher education programs which covers five aspects i.e
· Language.
· Culture.
· Instruction.
· Professionalism.
· Assessment.
aspect of accountability relates to the impact of SLTE. How can the result of
trainees practice can be evaluated and what impact do SLTE programs have? Despite
of vast investment in ELT teacher training programs in different parts of the
world in last 30 years. In English language teaching while innovations from
innovative methods to curriculum. Textbooks and assessment practices,
literature on exploring the nature of change and its possible effects on
We tend to
take for granted that the teaching and learning experiences provided in SLTE
programs succeed in changing teacher’s beliefs, understandings, knowledge and
practices. Hawkins and Norton identify three key practices that they suggest
are associated with critical language teacher education. Critical awareness
activities seek to raise teachers awareness of the way power relations are constructed
and function in society. Critical self reflection activities encourage teacher
learners to critically reflect on their own identity and positioning the
society. For example students teachers may create narratives or case studies
that focus on awareness and meaning of such identities as “Non native speaker.”
So, here
in the assignment I have discussed the major aspect of why do we need to change
in second language teacher education. The process of working towards change in
l2 teacher education. These change makes the L1 speaker more confident of
adopting second language. This is happens just because of India has
multicultural and so many bilingualism speakers live in the country. So it is
the most important thing to educate and give the effective training of second
language teacher that they can do their best to educate the new learner of
second language. Because this is the only we grew more n more speakers in
second language.
· Conclusion.
The field
of the second language teacher education has stretched out respectively in both
in the breath and in the depth since when it started in training approaches associated
with major teaching method of the 1960 and 1970s. on the other side there is high
demand for SLTE programs in answer to worldwide expansion in the use of English
has highlighted the need for a co-ordinate organizational response. Which has
lead to the demand for greater accountability through standards, curriculum
renewal, professionalism and the development of internationally recognized
qualifications for language teacher. SLTE today is consequently a vital
component of the field of TESOL and makes a vital contribution to our
understanding of what lies at the core of this enterprise namely teachers,
teaching, and the nature of teacher education.
Works Cited
Richard, Jack C. "second language teacher
education." reflection in second language teacher eduaction
(n.d.): 4.
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